Starting the year 2020, Bank BRI has again made an achievement with international awards from The Asset, the leading economic magazine in Asia. In its annual event, Triple A Country Awards, Bank BRI won 2 awards at once, the “Best Issuer for Sustainable Finance” and “Best Sustainability Bond”. The awards were received on Thursday (16/1) in Hong Kong.

“These awards motivate us to continue to provide the best for the community through innovative banking products and services. This is in line with the company’s spirit to achieve aspirations as The Most Valuable Bank in South East Asia in 2022,” said one of the senior management.

BRI’s ongoing brilliant performance continues to push BRI shares to strengthen and set a record high and make BRI’s market cap rise to occupy the position of the third largest banking in Southeast Asia.

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Mohon perhatian sehubungan dengan maraknya pesan jahat, email, telephon yang bertindak atas nama BRI yang menawarkan fasilitas pinjaman, menginformasikan sebagai pemenang hadiah, menanyakan data pribadi dan jenis pelanggaran hukum lainnya.

PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk tidak akan menanyakan data pribadi anda seperti nomor rekening, nomor pin, nama anggota keluarga, dll melalui email, telepon atau sms. Informasi lebih lanjut di Hong Kong dapat menghubungi kantor kami atau (62) 21 1500 017 untuk negara lain.

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